80% of feminist theorist I know irritate me.
You talk about men being scums, breaking your hearts, treating you
like second class citizens, not allowing you get positions in
substantial places, government, you can't be CEO's of companies
blah blah blah
Have you stepped back to take a look at the little things. What
make it standard practice for a man to open the car door for a
woman. Let me guess you would claim curtsey. Oh isn't a woman
also human what stops her from opening the door herself. A man
isn't obliged to be the better of genders because he is a man.
What stops you as a woman from paying your children's fees. You
will hear them say oh that is the duty of my husband. Says who!
Who laid down that golden rule that men shall carry the burden of
responsibility alone. You complain about equality yet the little things
lie in front of your nose.
Sisi Jemima what stops you from splitting the dinner date bill. Orpaying for your own transportation fare. Anhh!! but he
invited me now why should I pay. SMH
A friend told me once she would rather die of loneliness than ask a
boy she really loves out. I'm in shock, your mother tells you it
belittles a lady, well have you thought of the emotional prep the guy
has to go through to ask you out only for you to reply LOL and
gossip with your friends about walking down the isle with him
meanwhile you are busy fronting, forming hard to get.
you want equality you want to be respected yet you cry, panic and
scream at every given opportunity, you nag and lash at on anyone.
It's my hormones some females would even claim. Oh men don't
have hormones too. I'm not picking sides, I'm just trying to remind
our all knowing feminism theorist that the masculine gender have
rights too, not all men are scum, the way we shouldn't be tribelistic
is the same way we shouldn't be manistic. We have good men,
people who just want to chill, live, love with people they come
across with. They don't want to come home and meet nagging
women who talk about unequal rights while rolling in bed at 10AM
in the morning and making calls to darling to help you pick the
children from school on his way from work.
They want to come home and be with their children, talk with them
and not listen to the hush whispers of you telling your children don't
you know your father is sleeping don't disturb him. Most children
have broken relationships with their fathers because of what we
women have led them to believe.
We carry chants of "men are scum" forgetting we have male
children at home. Mummy says I am a scum so why shouldn't I be
a scum Daddy says a man's place is not in the kitchen. Nkechi go
and make me food. In my own home where I live, my father cooks,
my mother cooks, my brother cooks, everyone cooks. If you are
hungry step into the kitchen and cook. What actually stops a man
who get back from work at the same time with his wife from
helping out in the preparation if the food they will eat.
Most times when we women cook we complain men don't help us.
Have you even invited your husband to the kitchen, even if it's just
to gist. Staying there with you he will realize how much you spend
trying to "please him" in quote and in the long run he will help you
prepare the meal you will eat together. That even builds
communication in homes. Through that everyone can talk about
their day instead of daddy stretching his legs in the sitting room
waiting for food chanting "after all I paid your bride price".
The problem with most women is tradition, my mother brought me
up this way so therefore I will train up my children the same way.
They would say from the beginning of time "men don't do this,
men don't do that" says who! You will train up a bunch of sons
who will turn out just like their uncaring fathers. Frustrated
daughters who want to have a say in what goes on at home and
are willing to carry the slogan of "men are scum" to achieve it.
In reality I think everyone is a scum. If you think supporting a
fraction of the population by virtue of being a woman or because
women are being tagged as emotional, too soft, let's not give them
too much work, you rest at home and do yoga. If you see the need
to keep your money and let your husband suffer under frustration
and stress of school fee, house bills, money for upkeep, stay loyal
and faithful to wife check, let's not disturb daddy's rest, Women are
meant to do all the house chores, I paid for your bride price, rape
victims are attacked because of the way they dress, you are a
woman don't talk when I am talking.
Trust me YOU ARE A SCUM.